Friday we packed up and headed for good ole' Searcy! Ryan and I were both excited about making the trip back to Harding to see old friends and see all the new changes on campus and around town. It's always good to go back and reminisce; we both have lots of good memories there and of course it's where we met and dated so we spent a lot of the weekend remembering those fun times. Terri put us up for the weekend and we really enjoyed visiting with her and catching up. Saturday morning I had a Delta Gamma Rho reunion so Ryan and Kinsey walked around campus while I got to catch up with some girl friends.
Me, Shaya and Allison at the reunion

Then we met Terri at Colton's for lunch. (You can't visit Searcy and not eat at Colton's!) We got to see more friends at the game and Harding won so that was good! Kinsey made it into the second quarter before she needed to take a nap so we went back to Terri's to rest up for Trunk or Treating.
Kinsey and "Aunt" Terri

After the game, we dressed Kinsey up in her UT Cheerleading outfit and went trick or treating. She did great but was more interested in watching the other kids than getting candy for me and Ryan, I mean her of course! : ) We did let her have a DumDum which she loved!
Ryan with his UT baby

Laughing with Terri

Getting into her candy...


Sunday we went to church with Mark and Allison before leaving town. And then on the way home we stopped by Mac and Holly's house. Mac played football with Ryan at HU and we hadn't seen them since our wedding 4 1/2 years ago. We got to meet Easton, their 3 year old little boy and they got to meet Kinsey. We really enjoyed our visit but it was just too short!
My beautiful family

me, Kinsey and Allison

Ryan and Mac

Easton and Kinsey