Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers Lilypie Third Birthday tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Snowed IN!

The snow started falling yesterday around 1:oo pm and by the time we went to sleep last night there was a good 5-6 inches of snow on the ground! It was kind of exciting because it's been a while since we've seen that much snow at one time! The roads are still pretty bad since it's still below freezing so we have had a very lazy weekend which has been wonderful! Callie came over on Thursday night so we've enjoyed visiting with her...Kinsey has loved having someone to play with other than me and Ryan! We all bundled up this afternoon for a little fun in the didn't last very long because it was sooo cold!

Kinsey saying snooow

Kinsey and Aunt Callie

Daddy and KinseyFamily pic Hope you all are having a nice, warm weekend!

Thursday, January 28, 2010


Thank you all so much for your sweet comments, thoughts, and prayers! I can't express how much they mean to Ryan and me during this time!
Our Dr. appointment yesterday afternoon went very well, or I guess I should say as well as we could have hoped for. Ryan and I were both quite anxious and emotional of course. The ultrasound confirmed as we had suspected, that I had miscarried, but it did show that I had already passed most everything so there was no need for a D&C and for that I am extremely grateful! Praise God! After the ultrasound, we met with my doctor who was very professional but compassionate and understanding too. She did a wonderful job at answering all of our questions and making us feel tons better! After almost a week of not knowing for sure what exactly was going on, Ryan and I were both just ready for some answers, no matter what they were, and when we left we both felt like a huge burden had been lifted off of our shoulders! Like I said in the last post, this isn't at all what we wanted but God knows what is best for us and what was best for our baby! I am so thankful that He takes care of us and watches over us the way He does and that He's always with us!

Ryan and I have always had a strong marriage but going through this together has definitely made us stronger. I really don't know what I would ever do without Ryan; he has been my rock over the past week and I don't think I would have made it through without him by my side! His strength, faith, and positive attitude have kept me going. He is truly one in a million and I thank God for blessing me with such an amazing husband!

I realize that it's going to just take time to heal and deal with the loss of our baby. And I've come to realize that I'm going to have moments that I brake down and cry and wonder why but that it's okay and that it's all part of the process. Anytime I do start to get down I just think about all of the many, many things I have to be thankful for and doing that seems to lift my spirits again. It's funny how when you start to count your blessings, like the songs says, you realize just how much God has truly given you! And with that I'm going to end the post a list of some of the things I'm most thankful for...

-an amazing Heavenly Father who knows me by name, cares for me, hears my every cry and who loved me enough to sacrifice His only Son so that I might live

-the many freedoms we enjoy in this wonderful country we live

-my sweet, healthy, beautiful Kinsey Mae! She truly is the joy of my life!

-my amazing husband...they don't come any better than him!

-a healthy family

-our ability to get pregnant easily

-the most wonderful family and friends who love us and care for us

-a great church family

-the many material blessings God gives us everyday....Ryan's good job, good health care and insurance, food, our nice little house, closets full of clothes, dependable vehicles to drive

Thank you all again for all of your love and support! Please continue to keeps us in your prayers as we heal. What's a post without a picture right!? I started not to post this but it's just too cute not to post. She was ready to call everyone and tell them that she was going to be a Big Sister! Lord willing, Kinsey will get to wear her shirt again soon! I know one day she will make a great one!

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Weekend at Pete and Nana's

Last Thursday afternoon we set out for Valdosta to check out the newest addition to the fam....Miss Ella Elise! She is so sweet and has the prettiest little's so easy to forget just how tiny they are when they're born! Kinsey wasn't quite too sure what to think and didn't really understand the concept of "being easy" with Ella but she did okay. I think she made poor Gena a little nervous, sorry Gena! Aaron and Gena are doing so great with her! Ella is truly blessed to have them as her parents!
Sweet Baby Ella...
Nana with her new granddaughter
Kinsey not quite sure what to think!
Big cousin Kinsey and sweet Ella
Nana and Kinsey having some "girl talk"

Sleeping baby...

Proud Aunt Kristin : ) I was in heaven...I could have just held her all day long!

Nana Nana Boo Boo!!

Pete with Kinsey and Brecken

Kayden posing for me : )

Bath time fun! Kinsey's not used to having someone to play with in the bathtub so she had a blast!

Little Miss Blue Eyes....Brecken
We had a pretty laid back weekend and didn't do much of anything except visit with family. Kinsey loved getting to play with Kayden and Brecken....I asked Melissa if I could just bring Kayden back to TN with us because she kept Kinsey entertained any time they were together!
We did have a little bit of an emotional weekend and that's one of the reasons we didn't get out and do much of anything. Ryan and I found out we were expecting another baby at the beginning of January and we were really excited about telling everyone this weekend while we were at home but I started bleeding on Thursday around the time we left town and well it's Tuesday and hasn't stopped so we're almost positive that I've had a miscarriage. We have an appointment tomorrow to have an ultrasound done to see exactly what's going on. While this is not at all what we wanted, we know that miscarriages happen for a reason and that ultimately God is in control and knows what is best for our family. He has blessed us in so many ways and already given us so much for which we are extremely thankful! Kinsey has been such a blessing during this time....she keeps me going and keeps me laughing all the time! I feel like I'm doing pretty good....I have my moments but overall I'm okay. After we got a positive pregnancy test, it took some time getting used to the idea that I was pregnant again and I'm sure this will be the same, it will just take some time for it to sink in that we won't be bringing a new baby home in September like we had hoped but Lord willing we will be able to get pregnant again and have a healthy pregnancy and baby! We would really appreciate your prayers especially tomorrow as we go to the doctor. I'm praying that my body will pass everything it needs to on it's own so that I won't have to have a D & C. Depending on how I feel, I will try to update the blog tomorrow night. Thank you in advance for all of your thoughts and prayers! They mean so much and are really appreciated!

These last few pictures are from the weekend before last when we were at Gram and Grandpop's....I just realized I never posted them!
Gram and Kinsey

Giving Grandpop sweet kisses : )

Daddy's girl!

Sunday, January 17, 2010

She's Here!

Ella Elise Horne
made her big debut today around lunch time! I believe she weighed 7 lbs 9 oz and was 21 inches long. Mama, Daddy, and baby are all doing great from what I hear! I got to talk to Aaron for just a minute today. They didn't get hardly any sleep last night so both him and Gena were worn out! I've gotten several pictures on my phone and of course she's the most beautiful thing ever! I am itching to get home to Valdosta and get my hands on her! These are the pictures from my phone...Melissa has some more pics on her blog!
Proud Daddy : )
Wide-eyed baby Ella

Friday, January 15, 2010

Happy #27 to ME!

Yesterday I celebrated my 27th birthday! It was a pretty uneventful day, which was fine with me, but a good one! Ryan & Kinsey had a few cards he left for me around the house and I received lots of phone call from friends and family and a mailbox full of cards! Thursday morning the library has story time for Kinsey's age so we went to that and by the time we got home we were both wiped out so I put Kinsey down for a nap and I curled up in the recliner and took a little one myself! After about an hour Kinsey woke up so I went and got her and usually I'll rock her and we'll snuggle for a minute or two after she gets up from a nap until she's ready to get down and play. Well....she fell back to sleep laying on my chest and slept for another hour and a half!! She never naps that long!! I enjoyed rocking and holding's something that we don't get to do that often anymore so I treasured those precious few moments! I couldn't think of a better gift that she could have given me!

We had a great afternoon and finally got to get outside and try out her tricycle she got for Christmas since the weather finally decided to warm up a little! When Ryan got home he gave Kinsey a piece of paper to give was a gift certificate from both of them to a really nice spa in town for the works--a massage, a facial, lunch, and a foot massage/pedicure! I am so excited and can't wait to go get pampered!! We went to Logan's for dinner and they somehow lost my steak so they ended up giving us our meal for free which was nice it just took 2 hours to get it!

All in all I had a fabulous day and feel so blessed to have such wonderful family and friends! I feel like this year will be the best ever and I'm looking forward to seeing what God has planned for me! Like becoming a new aunt!! With that in mind, please keep Gena, Aaron and baby Ella in your prayers. Gena is scheduled to be induced on Tuesday the 19th. I know they would covet your thoughts and prayers this next week as they go through labor and delivery of their first child and then as they adjust to parenthood!

Sorry no pictures today...maybe next time! Hope you all have a fabulous weekend!

Thursday, January 7, 2010

SNOW much FUN!!

Ever since the beginning of the week the weather man has been forecasting a "winter storm" coming our way with 2-4 inches of snow! As the week went on the amount of snow forecasted dwindled to about 1/2 and inch in most places and that's about what we've gotten over the day! Not really alot but enough to at least get outside to take some pictures in! After lunch I decided to take Kinsey out in it to play...I don't think she was as excited about it as I was! She wasn't quite sure what to think!

Kinsey sitting on the front steps...

What is this stuff mom??
YEAH for snow!!

She wasn't too excited about making a snow angel!

This stuff is cold and I'm ready to go inside!!!

These are just a few pics I've taken over the past few days! Kinsey took her first steps last Saturday which was exciting for us but she still hasn't really taken to walking yet but she's getting there! While mom and dad were here for Christmas mom taught her some new signs that she picked up on really fast! A few of the new signs she learned are daddy, potty (which she does every time she toots or is going #2), bath, apple, tree, and fish! She's so cute when she signs Daddy and then raises her little hands up like "where is he?" I tell her he's at work but will be home later and will play with her then! Although she a little attached to me right now I believe we have a Daddy's girl on our hands! She's so sweet and gives lots of hugs and kisses which just melts my heart especially when she wraps her little arms around my neck!! I just love that girl!!!

Trying on mommy's boots!

Doesn't she look like such a big girl!! Where has my baby gone??

Crazy bath time hair!!