My baby is growing up way too fast!!! I know I say this every month but I can hardly believe that Khloe is already 4 months old! She is showing us more of her wonderful little personality and doing new things every day! She really is such a happy, easy going baby who is always full of smiles! Khloe's 4 month stats: Height- 25.5 inches (86%), Weight- 14lbs 10oz (66%), HC- 41.25 cm Things Khloe is doing at 4 months: -Khloe nurses every 4-5 hours during the day and will usually go at least 5-7 hours at night. The Dr. said today we can start her on cereal today so we'll try that and see how it goes! -She will NOT take a bottle. She did for a while but it is so much easier to just nurse her that we've gotten out of the habit and well now she doesn't want anything to do with it. Her Dr. said to see if she'd take a sippy cup with out the valve but if you have any suggestions feel free to leave a comment!
-Within the last month Khloe has earned the title of the "Blowout Queen." For the last 3-4 weeks at least once a day Khloe has completely blown out her diaper and outfit! I told Ryan I hope we have a boy next because if we have a girl she won't have any clothes to wear because Khloe has ruined them all! Well maybe not ruined but definitely left her "mark!" And of course it is never at an opportune time. For example, I go to get her out of her carseat at church for Bible class Sunday morning and her back is covered in poop!... yellow, mustard-y poop all over her cute little dress! And then when we are walking out the door to the Dr. for her checkup this morning I heard her go and almost decided not to check it because she'd already had 2 poopy diapers within the past hour so I thought there's no way there could be enough in her little tummy to blow out a diaper! Boy was I wrong!! I reached my hand in her carseat to feel behind her back to make sure we were okay and once again it is covered in poop! Her outfit, the carseat, my hand, EVERYTHING! Thankfully mom was here because other wise we would have never made it to our appointment on time! When I told Dad how bad her blowouts were he replied,"At least we know her little system works!" I guess that's one way to look at it!
-Khloe started rolling over last week and will easily go from her belly to back but is still working on going from her back to belly!

Chillin' in Kinsey's chair

-She is such a little book worm! : ) We put a book up for her to look at and her little face lit up and she was so intrigued by the was so cute!

-Khloe LOVES her big sister! As soon as Khloe sees Kinsey coming she flashes a huge smile!
-Khloe loves bath time! Usually the girls take a bath together which they both love! Kinsey acts crazy and Khloe just laughs at her!!

-Khloe has been sleeping with one are swaddled in her boppy pillow but last night slept with out being swaddled and with out her boppy pillow just fine so it seems like she may be outgrowing all that!

-She is very happy in the morning when she wakes up & loves to give us big, goofy smiles!

-And sometimes she finds the most uncomfortable positions to sleep this one! I debated on whether or not to reposition her but she was sleeping so hard I decided to just leave her alone!

-99% of the time Khloe is the most easy going baby but she has her moments when she's not happy and well she's not afraid to let us know!
Gram and Khloe

Khloe cheesin' BIG with Nana!