9 months ago God blessed us with another sweet little girl and our lives have not been the same since!! Khloe is growing and changing so fast that I can hardly keep up! She is such a fun, loving baby girl but can be a little feisty too!
Khloe's 9 month stats: weight-17 lbs 7 oz (21%) height- 27.5 in (49%) HC 44.5 cm (65%)
-These days Khloe is crawling all over the place and pulling up on anything and everything!
-She is getting faster with the crawling so I've learned to really keep my eye on her or other wise she'll disappear very quickly!
-She's into EVERYTHING!

-She is sleeping through the night now! YAY! Usually she's in bed between 7:30-8pm and will sleep until it's time to nurse around 5 am and then go right back to sleep til 7 or 8! She's just started doing this the past 2 weeks and I'm loving getting caught up on my beauty rest...I need it!
-She'll usually take a morning nap, an afternoon nap and sometimes one in the evening...it just depends on what we're doing.
-Unlike her big sister, Khloe is such a light sleeper and will wake up very easily. I know poor Kinsey gets tired of me telling her to, "Be quiet!"
-Khloe LOVES Kinsey and they play well together most of the time! Kinsey has a tendency to get a little rough with her but little Khloe usually just smiles and takes it! I think she'd had enough of Kinsey's rough housing here..."Mama please help me!"
-Khloe's hair is still brown but is still much lighter at the roots so it wouldn't surprise me if she is a blonde like big sister! Despite my best efforts to keep the knots out of her hair in the back the always return and usually it looks like the picture below...sigh...this too shall pass : )

-She like chewing on her hair bows more than wearing them these days : )
-She loves all of Kinsey's stuff especially if she knows she's not supposed to have it!
-Did I mention she's into EVERYTHING!!
-We couldn't ask for a better eater! There really isn't anything that she doesn't like or won't eat which is such a blessing! She's still nursing 3 times a day but we are going to start on whole milk and hopefully be drinking out of a cup soon because this mama is ready to be done with that phase! (Any advice on weaning a baby would be appreciated!) She eats cereal in the a.m., a fruit or veggie at lunch, and then a protein at supper!

-Khloe loves bath time with Kinsey! She loves to splash and watch Kinsey be silly!
-Kinsey's not so fond of getting her picture taken so it's been hard to get the 2 of them together lately! Thanks to Melissa and hand-me-downs from Kayden and Brecken the girls get to match quite a bit! I love dressing them alike!
We love you sweet Khloe Lyn! Thanks for filling our lives with so much joy!