Things Khloe is up to at 10 months:
-Khloe is on the move...all the time!
-She can crawl everywhere and is pretty fast.
-She's waving hi and bye now usually with a closed fist but occasionally she'll use her fingers.
-Usually when she hears music or hears us singing she'll start to bounce.
-When we cheer for her or say "Yay" she claps.
Our big 10 month old!
-Khloe has done great transitioning to whole milk from a sippy cup....with the help of a little chocolate ovaltine, that is : )
-Khloe is pulling up on everything and has even tried standing alone a few times! I know she will be walking way too soon!
-At 10 months Khloe still has just 2 bottom teeth and no more in sight but that's okay because I love her sweet gummy smile.
-She loves being outside and swinging in her swing.
-She loves bathtime and loves to see how much water she can get everywhere...she's quiet the splasher and doesn't mind getting water in her face.
-She loves watching her baby Einstein videos and smiles as soon as she hears the music start. (She thought she was big stuff sitting in Kinsey's chair one day while Kinsey was at school!)
-Khloe's learned how to play peek-a-boo....
Where's Khloe??...

Sweet Sisters!
Where's Khloe??...
there she is!
Sweet Sisters!