Thursday, December 22:
Ryan's Christmas vacation officially began and we headed to Paris to spend a few days with the Blounts! We loved hanging out and being lazy.
Saturday, December 24th:
After a delicious Christmas Eve breakfast, we opened gifts and enjoyed watching the girls play with all of their new things! As always, Gram and Pop did way too much!
Sunday, December 25th--Christmas morning!
The only thing Kinsey asked Santa for was a baby that went to sleep (one whose eyes close) and a bed to rock her in. She must have been a pretty good little girl because she got just what she wanted!
Seeing her baby for the first time!
Khloe trying out her big girl chair with her swollen, sleepy eyes! Evidently she didn't get the memo that Santa was coming because we had to wake her up so we could open presents!
All ready for church on Christmas morning!
After worship services we changed clothes and headed south to spend a week in GA with Pete and Nana! Kinsey was so excited to see Kayden and Brecken : ) We had a good trip but were so glad to finally get off the road. Ashley had made it in the night before we were excited to get to see him too!
Monday, December 26th: Christmas at Pete and Nana's
Aaron, Gena, and Ella came over for breakfast and then we opened gifts! It was so fun to watch the girls together and just all be together....that's very rare these days!
Ella's wagon was a big hit!
Introducing Dr. Kinsey : )
All sweet little girls and another one on the way!

the handsome Horne fellows

Uncle Ashley : )
Tuesday evening Granny and Hobe made a delicious Christmas meal and we celebrated with them and opened gifts! I know Granny enjoyed watching the girls run around, giggle, and squeal but I think by the end of the night she was ready for some quite! : )
Granny and her girls
Uncle Ashley : )
Papa and Ella Bella
We spent the whole week between Christmas and New Year's at mom and dad's and besides all of us being under the weather with the crud we had a great time! Every morning when Kinsey got up the first thing she asked was if she could go play with Kayden and Brecken : )
She LOVED being with them! We had a great Christmas and like always Santa spoiled us but the best part was just being able to spend it with our families! We are so blessed and are looking forward to seeing what great things God has planned for us in 2012!