Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Ryan + 3 girls = Out numbered!!
Sunday, July 11, 2010
Halfway There Baby!
There are 3 thing that I wanted to try to get Kinsey to do/transition into before November rolls around and the baby is here and so far we've accomplished 2 of the 3 so I am very pleased!
#1) About 2 months ago I cut the tip off of Kinsey's passy and told her the passy was broke. She got mad at first and would just try to chew on it but within a week she didn't even ask for it at all! I was amazed and never thought that getting rid of something she was so attached to would be that easy but it was! Now there were a few rough nights but we made it through, didn't give in, and the little bit of lost sleep was so worth it!
#2) Our big girl has just as easily transitioned to her big girl bed which I'm glad but her nursery is looking more and more sparse and it just saddens me to think how quickly she's growing up! We started taking naps in her big girl bed and she was still sleeping in the crib at night but when we got back from Harding she didn't want to even be laid down in the crib so we put up the bed rail on her big bed and she started sleeping at night in there last week! The only drawback is that she's figured out she can get down and come see us after she's gone to bed : )
#3) We started potty training last week and well it was absolutely exhausting for me but she's catching on and I know I'll be so glad we didn't wait and try to do it after the baby comes! Since we have our Dr. appointment Tuesday morning, Gram and Grandpop offered to keep Kinsey so we just left her in Paris today to stay with them a few nights. Ryan told his mom that we weren't coming back to pick her up until she was potty trained! : ) Of course he was kidding but I'm hoping Gram can work her magic and things will starting clicking for Kinsey over the next few days!
Ready for the Runway!
The best part of baking...licking the beaters!
Blount Reunion
Steve and Ryan
Working puzzles with McKenzie and Avery
Thursday, July 8, 2010
Zoo Trip
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
Uplift at Harding
Another group shot...
and another one
Singing on the front step of the Benson
Ashley got to come down twice to see us while we were there! As always, it was great to see him and Kinsey just ate him up! (It's ashame you can't tell they are kin!)
The parents of a family we worship with at Stroudsville live in Searcy and invited us over for supper Tuesday night. It was delicious and we all enjoyed a break from the cafeteria food!
Every morning we would always start off by singing silly songs to get the kids awake...here they are "Singing in the Rain"
Such a big girl!
Kinsey and Nana on a HU swing
Reading books in the library!
Cooling off in the fountain!
Family pic!
Terri, Allison and me...it was so good to catch up with these special gals!
The last night was by far the highlight of our trip! After the evening worship service Brandi and Mary Grace told us they were thinking about being re-baptized and Ashlyn told us she was ready to be baptized! Accepting Jesus Christ as Lord of your life and putting Him on in baptism is such an important step and decision for anyone so Ryan talked to each of them, they talked to their parents and each of them decided it was the right decision for them. So Ryan had the privilege of baptizing 3 of the girls at Harding. It was such an amazing experience...there is a baptistry in the fountain in front of the Benson and over 600 fellow Christians sang and rejoiced with us! I am so proud of each of these girls and know they will do great things for God's kingdom!
Ryan baptizing Brandi...
and Mary Grace
Mary Grace and Jennifer, her mom and our other chaperon
Ryan and the girls...all smiles : ) There's no better feeling than knowing you are saved!
By the last night Jennifer and I were getting used to staying up late even if we were a little delirious!