I can hardly believe that Kinsey is 5 months old! It's crazy how fast time goes by these days. I never knew I could love someone so much : ) Kinsey is such a blessing and brightens our lives in more ways than we could have ever imagined! It's been so much fun to watch her grow and discover new things and I know there's only more to come! I am loving staying at home and enjoying having more time to get involved with ministries at church.
Some things about Kisney at 5 months:
-She such a happy, easy-going baby.
-She loves her cereal and is getting the hang of baby food.
-She's getting better at taking a bottle...it just takes forever for her to finish it because she plays and talks in between eating.
-She's becoming a little attached to me! Usually she will let someone else hold her as long as I am in sight :)
-She sleeps in a one arm swaddle now. I've tried to go without the swaddling blanket but she always wakes up more often and I like my sleep so...swaddling it is!
-She babbles all the time!
-Her knees are very ticklish.
-She's getting the hang of peek-a-boo which usually gets her giggling so we play that alot because I love to hear her laugh!
Not so sure about that squash!

All ready for the Easter bunny!

Zonked out after an evening stroll

Singing in Bible class