Kinsey turned 9 months old last Friday while we were at the beach! It's so hard to believe that we are already approaching the 1 year mark! She is so much fun and just melts our hearts with her sweet little smile and contagious giggle : ) We went for her checkup yesterday morning and she is 28.5 inches long and weighs 19 lbs 12 oz.
Gotta love that smile : ) When she really gets to giggling she usually ends up with the hiccups and it cracks me up!

Kinsey had been exclusively breastfeeding but about 2 weeks ago she stopped cold turkey. She nursed fine one afternoon and that night didn't want anything to do with me! I had planned on trying to BF her until she was a year but evidently she had different plans! At the time I wasn't ready for it...I thought I would get to call the shots as far as when we transitioned to a sippy cup but I've learned that's not always the case! Her Dr. said I could start her on whole milk so she takes breast milk and whole milk mixed together in a sippy cup and is doing really well. She's such a big girl! : (
Kinsey is such a good little eater...she will eat anything we give to her except peas. We're still working on those! She loves feeding herself and making messes : ) Sometimes the food doesn't quite make it to her mouth!

She's still not crawling...she will get on all fours and rock back and forth but hasn't quite got the forward motion down. She's perfectly content to sit on the floor and play with the toys within her reach. If there's something she can't get to and she really wants it, she'll roll until she can reach it : ) I guess whatever works, right!?
She loves to read her books! We have a stack of books sitting next to our recliner in the living room and if she's sitting in our lap she always looks over the side to the floor where the books are letting us know it's story time!
She loves Baby Einstein, Sesame Street and Mickey Mouse dog, hot dog, hot diggity dog! On Sunday mornings I'll get Kinsey ready and sit her on our bed to watch MMC while Ryan and I get dressed so all the way to church I've got that silly hot dog song in my head!!
She recently started waving...she'll wave to anyone and anything! The other night I was feeding her supper and she just started waving to us! It was so precious!! Waving at mama...

She's got her bottom 2 teeth now...the 2nd one is still coming through. You can see them a little in the pic below.

Yes, Kinsey is sweet but she's not afraid to let us know when she's not happy! Granny wasn't pinching her...she was just throwing a fit! This picture is for you Lindsey : )

We love our Kinsey and are so thankful that God has given us such a happy, healthy little girl.