Our sweet baby #2
(The circle on the left is the yolk sac.)

I am feeling some better....I still get pretty queasy when I smell certain things. Ryan officially has dishwasher duty until I get over some of this : ) For some reason when I open the dishwasher with any dirty dishes in it my stomach starts to turn and I start gagging...yuck! Ryan's a good sport though and once they are clean I'm happy to put them away but as for the loading it looks like he'll be doing that at least for a few more weeks! I am definitely starting to feel a little rounder in more places than just my belly : ) and my clothes are starting to get a little snug so the maternity clothes will be coming out soon!
Kinsey is with Gram and Grandpop today and I'm sure they are all having a blast, like usual. She is spending the night with them tonight for the 2nd night in a row so we will definitely be ready to see her tomorrow! Steve and Patsy are WONDERFUL and offered to keep her so Ryan and I could go to our dr. appointment today and to give me a little time to rest which is sooo nice! I realize that most mom's don't get any time off so I feel very blessed to have such wonderful in-laws that want to help out! When they came to pick up Kinsey yesterday, Patsy brought a ton of food so I wouldn't have to cook for a few nights...she truly is the best! Steve and Patsy, thank you both so much for all you do for us! We love you!
Thank you again for all of your thoughts and prayers! We feel so blessed to have such amazing friends and family who support us and care for us and our growing family! : )