Kinsey enjoyed the rolls at O'Charleys : )
Saturday, August 28, 2010
Fun with Aunt Callie
Monday, August 23, 2010
Kinsey's weekend at Gram and Pop's
Helping Gram make cinnamon toast
Ryan's cousin Jason is getting married in 2 weeks and the family had a shower for them this weekend. From what I hear, Kinsey loved helping them open their gifts!
Friday, August 20, 2010
Happy Friday
Just chillin'...
One day she found this apron in a kitchen draw and wanted to put it on. She definitely is my little helper in the kitchen and always wants to stand in a chair to "help" with whatever I'm doing!
Our little pianist! I heard her playing one afternoon and came in expecting to see her standing up playing...oh no--she had climbed up on the bench and was just playing away like she was an old pro! : )
I know I've mentioned how blessed I am to have such wonderful in-laws but they truly are the best! Yesterday I met them to drop off Kinsey for the weekend because Ryan and I are headed to a friend's wedding in WV. They were more than happy when I asked if they would keep her and I know that she'll have way more fun with Gram, Grandpop and Aunt Callie than she would traveling in the car! Also did I mention that when we made the Kinsey swap yesterday Gram threw 3 packs of newborn diapers in the van! She's already getting us stocked up for Nov and we're so thankful! Thanks so much for all you do for us! You guys are the BEST~
Monday, August 2, 2010
Busy, Busy, Busy!
Two weeks ago we enjoyed a Wild, Wild West themed VBS! The kids had a great time learning about some of the parables and the adults, well we had a good time too but were glad to see the end of the week come! Kinsey learned how to sing the "Lord's Army" song cowboy style and loved to throw in the "yee, haw" at the end but instead it came out "hee, haw!" It was just too cute and she's still singing it like that!
Pete and Nana came to visit and got to stay almost a whole week which was wonderful! We loved having them here and Kinsey loved all of the attention! Unfortunately, I didn't take hardly any pictures but these are just a few...
Kinsey's loved sharing a popsicle with Pete!Last week Ryan had to go out of town on business so Kinsey and I decided to go to Paris to see everyone. Mama Mac has been in and out of the hospital so we thought we'd go cheer her up. I've learned there's no better medicine for a grandparent than a little Kinsey time! : ) Unfortunately we didn't get to see her because they weren't sure if what she had was contagious or not but we did get to visit with everyone else. She is doing better but still in a rehab center to regain some of her strength so please keep her in your prayers. Gram and Grandpop were wonderful hosts as usual and it was great to spend time with them!
Kinsey found a new friend while visiting at Margaret's!
To top off our travels, Kinsey and I packed up and went to Chattanooga with Ryan Thursday night for a meeting he had Friday morning. We went to the pool and just laid around the hotel room until Ryan was done and then got a little shopping done before heading home! It is nice being able to travel with Ryan when we want to but it's nice to be at home too!
We are really proud of the way Kinsey has caught on to potty training! She is doing great; we still have some accidents every now and then and she still wears pull ups when we go out (just in case) but I couldn't be happier with her progress & I know by November she'll have it down pat! She's such a bright little girl and I'm amazed at how quickly she is growing up! Not to brag : ) but she knows her colors, can help us count to 10--we say 1, she'll say 2, we'll say 3 and so on, and the same with her name--she can almost spell it by herself but usually she'll fill in every other letter! She also knows her share of Bible trivia...right now she knows Adam and Eve were the 1st man and woman, Noah built the ark, baby Moses was put in a basket in the river, Joseph had a coat of many colors, Daniel was thrown in the lions den, Samson was the strongest man in the Bible, Jonah was swallowed by the whale, the walls of Jericho fell down, Zaccheus climbed a tree so he could see Jesus, Jesus was born in a manger, and the little boy who had 5 loaves and 2 fish shared his food. She loves going to Bible class and singing her Bible songs. My prayer is that she always has this same love for God and learning about Him!
In baby news, there's not much to report which I guess is good! She's getting bigger and so am I : ) but I feel great! I will be glad when the weather is a little cooler and we're able to get outside's just too hot right now! We still don't have a name nor are we any closer than we were when we found out a few weeks ago that it's another girl so feel free to suggest a name for our precious #2!
I guess that's all for now. I'll try to be better at updating but no promises! Hope you all have a great week!