The past 3 months have flown by and our baby girl is growing like a little weed! I can hardly remember what life was like before Khloe came along! She has been such a blessing to our family and we just love her more than words can say!
Things Khloe's up to at 3 months:
-Her sweet little personality is starting to come out! It doesn't take too much to get a good smile and sometimes even a laugh! I absolutely love her big, gummy sweet! She is usually pretty laid back and easy going but she will definitely let you know when she's hungry or tired!

-We are finally starting to get on somewhat of a schedule! YAY! It's been all over the place with her being sick and us traveling but now that things are settling down she's a little more predictable.
-She is sleeping really well at night! When she doesn't sleep through the night, I only have to get up once to nurse her and then it only takes us about 30 minutes for her to eat, for a diaper change and then to get back to sleep.
-Sleeping during the day is still hit or miss. Some days she will nap well and other days she wants to be held and wakes up almost every time I try to put her down! Oh well, she isn't going to be little long so I'm just going to enjoy these precious days!
-She likes to be swaddled with one arm out, usually her right arm. She sleeps so much better being swaddled but hates it when I try to swaddle both arms...I guess it's too confining for her? When trying to fall asleep, she likes to grab onto something...usually my shirt or finger.
-Khloe is going longer between feedings and is nursing every 3.5-4.5 hours so we're down to about 5 feedings a day!
-She weighs around 14 lbs.
-Her eyes are still blue but they have changed some and I think they are going to be brown. She has some lighter hair coming in and at first I thought it might all turn blonde like Kinsey's but I think it's going to stay brown. It will probably just be a little lighter than it is now!
-She LOVES her big sister! Kinsey can always get a smile out of her and can usually keep her entertained for a while! Khloe is always watching Kinsey and knows where she is at all times!

-We took tons of pictures of Kinsey when she was a baby and have a folder on our computer for each month for the first year of her life and well poor Khloe is being terribly neglected when it comes to pictures! (Being the 2nd child, now I understand why there aren't hardly any baby pictures of me!) We've maybe taken enough pictures of Khloe to fill up one of Kinsey's folders!!
We are so blessed to have such a beautiful, happy, healthy little girl and look forward to watching her grow and develop in the months to come!