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Sunday, March 27, 2011

Birthdays, Birthdays, and more Birthdays!

We got to celebrate several birthdays last week and have a few more to celebrate this next week! So here's the run down...

Happy Birthday to Pete! His birthday was last Tuesday and although we weren't able to celebrate with him in person we will be able to celebrate soon because he and Nana are coming to visit next week and we can hardly wait!

Callie's birthday was last Thursday and luckily she is on Spring Break so she came and spent some time with us last week. Kinsey ate it up; she absolutely adores her Aunt Callie!

Callie with the girls

Little Miss Khloe turned 4 months old last Friday! On Saturday we ate at the Loveless Cafe in Nashville for Callie and Ryan's birthday (which is this week.) The food was great and the company was even better!

Gram has a big birthday coming up and she's having a party on Saturday so we are looking forward to celebrating with her then!

1 comment:

Anonymous said... forgot someone... ;)