Yesterday Kinsey turned 4 months old! She is such a sweetheart and really getting to be so much fun! We went to the Dr. this morning for her checkup and shots and she did great! She's in the 92nd percentile for weight at 16 lbs 1 oz and in the 89th percentile for height at 25.5 inches long! She such a little trooper and barely cried when she got her shots...I did better this time too and just teared up a little. The Dr. said she was doing great and that if we wanted to start her on some cereal we could so I think we might give it a shot and see how she likes it!
Here are some things about Kinsey at 4 months:
- She is always full of smiles : )
- She is starting to put everything in her mouth and is drooling like crazy!
- If we put her pacifier in her hand she can put it in her mouth.
- She loves to babble and squeal and see how loud she can get!
- She loves going to Bible class & watching all of the other kids & singing songs.
- Her eyes are still blue and I'm beginning to think they might stay that way.
- She sleeps well; usually about 8 hours at night and at least 2 good 1-2 hour naps during the day.
We are so blessed to have our sweet Kinsey and are grateful to God that she's such a happy, healthy baby! It's been so much fun to watch her grow and develop and we look forward to seeing what new things she'll be doing this month!
Happy 4th Month! I think Brecken is gaining on her :)
I'm happy to hear that Kinsey got another good report! :)
Kinsey is so cute! I love her little chubby cheeks!
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