Last Wednesday Kinsey turned 8 months old! As she's grown, we've really enjoyed watching her discover new things and develop with each new stage. She is such a sweetheart and has such a fun and happy little personality. These are just a few things about Kinsey these days...
She is so easy going and just overall happy!

She's starting to get her 1st tooth.
She loves to eat and will eat anything!
She is good at picking up food with her little pincher fingers and then straight to her wide open mouth it goes! I'm telling you she's got the eating thing down!
She loves to look at herself in mirrors and find others too!

She likes to wave....sometimes at herself but mostly at other people : ) (Check out that belly!)

I love the way she gets so excited when Ryan comes home from work...she kicks her legs and gets the biggest smile on her face! It's so cute!
She loves bath time...splish, splash!
She likes to sleep with her soft bear blanket under her arm.
She's starting to "crawl" if you want to call it that...mostly backward though.
She can say Dada and babble all day long but we're still working on Mama : )
We just love our Kinsey to pieces and are so blessed to have a healthy, happy little girl!
What a sweet little face!

(Gotta love that orange nose : )