Kinsey turned 10 months old on Monday! Where has my baby gone? She is starting to look so much like a big girl seems like the months go by faster and faster. She is the sweetest baby and everyone always comments on how happy/smiley she is. These are a few things that I want to remember about Kinsey at 10 months!
I love how she scrunches her little nose up when she smiles...too cute!
She is becoming much more vocal. She jabbers all of the time...mama, dada, nana, baba...

She still is slow with the's more like the worm. : ) She hasn't figured out how to stay up on her knees instead of landing on her tummy each time.
She loves to pull up on things and is very proud of herself when she does. Ryan made her this little pull up bar and she loves it!

She loves bananas! She is still a very good eater and is doing well on her whole milk in the sippy cup.
She gives the most wonderful, sweetest kisses!
She thinks if you're eating something she should have some too! Last Sunday we were in church and a lady sitting a row behind us opened a little package of cookies for her granddaughter well when Kinsey saw it she spit out her pacifier and was ready for her cookie!
She knows what "no" means, especially when Daddy says it! I guess like any child she tests us sometimes to make sure we really mean no but usually listens pretty well. Lately her thing is to act like she's going to drop a piece of food on the floor because she knows she's not supposed to. I'll tell her, "you better not drop that" or just give her a disapproving look and she'll put it straight in her mouth. I guess she wants to make sure that we're paying attention to she doesn't already get enough attention!!
She's clapping now...if we say, "yeah Kinsey" she'll start clapping and usually she'll clap if I start singing a song.
She's also started to try to dance a little when she hears's too cute!
She loves animals! At night sometimes we'll sit outside and bird watch...she'll sit in my lap and point at the birds flying around. She loves it and gets so excited when she sees them. Our neighbor has a little dog that she loves to watch too. They other night we had just got back from a walk so Kinsey was in her stroller and Molly (the dog) was out so she came over to say hi. Molly started licking Kinsey feet and at first Kinsey wasn't too sure but then she started laughing : )
One of my favorite times during the day is when Ryan comes home! Not only are we both ready to see him, but I just love the way Kinsey lights up and gets so excited to see him! It's priceless!
We are so blessed to have such a happy, healthy, easy going little girl. She is truly the joy of our lives and we couldn't imagine life without her!
Margaret update: Ryan and Kinsey went to see Margaret last night and to visit with Steve and Patsy. She is doing very well and should get to move to a rehab place in Paris today. Thanks again for all of your thoughts and prayers!