Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Tutus, Tutus, and more Tutus!!
So I've been trying to think of something for Kinsey to wear for her 1st birthday party! We are going to have a party in Valdosta so her and Brecken can have a BIG 1st birthday bash together and then we'll have a party in Paris with all of Ryan's family on her actual birthday. I'm getting really excited and wanted to find something for the girls to wear so they could match. I was looking online yesterday and came across some tutus that we super cute but I didn't want to pay what they were asking so I thought surely they can't be that hard to make! I found a video on you-tube and the rest is history! Kinsey and Brecken will definitely be the cutest birthday girls ever!! I finished one last night so this morning I was itching to get it on her to see what it looked like...let me know what you think!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009
There's a mouse in the house!
A little mouse named Kinsey!! Yesterday I was cleaning out the pantry making room for more groceries so I took the last pack of crackers out of the box and threw it on the floor for Kinsey to "play" with! Obviously I wasn't paying attention to what she was doing because when I turned around a few minutes later she had little red pieces of cardboard all around her mouth. I thought what in the world!?...and then I saw the box she'd been chomping on! Looks like she was enjoying it!
These next few are just some random pics that I've taken lately... These next 2 are for Aunt Callie. She bought Kinsey this outfit when she was just a few months old and it finally fits! It's super cute! Thanks Callie!

I've been cleaning out Kinsey's baby stuff lately getting ready to put things in the attic that she's outgrown and it's all been in our guest bedroom for way too long! Yesterday I was working on getting the last of it put in tubs and she was "helping " me and kept messing with her old car seat so I finally just put her in it! I couldn't believe how big it made her look especially compared to the old picture that I found!
Thursday, September 17, 2009
11 Months!
Today Kinsey turned 11 months! I can't believe my baby is growing up so quickly! If I sit and think about it too long I always get teary-eyed...sometimes I wish I could make time stand still and just keep her little but I know that's not possible and I would miss out on all the wonderful things that are yet to come! These are just a few things that Kinsey is up to at 11 months:
She's still a happy, easy-going little gal and smiles all the time!
Her little laugh is so infectious! And the weirdest things make her laugh...yesterday after we got back from our walk I stopped to pull a few weeds from the flower bed. I had parked her stroller and started pulling weeds and wasn't really paying attention to her and she just started laughing hysterically! She got me tickled and the more weeds I pulled the harder she laughed!
She is getting into everything!! There's no more leaving her in the living room while I take a few minutes to do something in another room!
I'm amazed at how much she understands even though she can't talk.
She loves Bible class and loves to sing the song at home too! She's starting to do some of the hand motions with them...such a smarty!
She loves her Daddy and loves greeting him when he gets home. Usually we'll sit on the front porch a wait for him in the afternoons and she just gets giddy when she sees him walk around the corner of the house!

You can't really tell it by this outfit but I think she's starting to slim up some. This was a hand-me-down from a friend at church...the top is 18 months and the pants are 12 months and I tried it on her for church last Sunday night thinking that it would surely fit! Well as you can see we had some belly issues! I barely got all of the buttons buttoned! We asked Daddy if it passed his dress code and well it didn't, so we found something else but we just had to take a picture!

She's been going to bed earlier at night! Usually around 7:30 - 7:45 pm she's ready to go down for the night which is nice because it gives me some time to get a few things done before I head off to bed myself. She's still an early bird getting up about 5:30 am but after eating and playing for a little while she'll go back down and sometime I do too! : )
She's still a happy, easy-going little gal and smiles all the time!
Her little laugh is so infectious! And the weirdest things make her laugh...yesterday after we got back from our walk I stopped to pull a few weeds from the flower bed. I had parked her stroller and started pulling weeds and wasn't really paying attention to her and she just started laughing hysterically! She got me tickled and the more weeds I pulled the harder she laughed!
She is getting into everything!! There's no more leaving her in the living room while I take a few minutes to do something in another room!
I'm amazed at how much she understands even though she can't talk.
She loves Bible class and loves to sing the song at home too! She's starting to do some of the hand motions with them...such a smarty!
She loves her Daddy and loves greeting him when he gets home. Usually we'll sit on the front porch a wait for him in the afternoons and she just gets giddy when she sees him walk around the corner of the house!
Watching for Daddy to come home from work!
You can't really tell it by this outfit but I think she's starting to slim up some. This was a hand-me-down from a friend at church...the top is 18 months and the pants are 12 months and I tried it on her for church last Sunday night thinking that it would surely fit! Well as you can see we had some belly issues! I barely got all of the buttons buttoned! We asked Daddy if it passed his dress code and well it didn't, so we found something else but we just had to take a picture!
She's been going to bed earlier at night! Usually around 7:30 - 7:45 pm she's ready to go down for the night which is nice because it gives me some time to get a few things done before I head off to bed myself. She's still an early bird getting up about 5:30 am but after eating and playing for a little while she'll go back down and sometime I do too! : )
She's still the best little eater! One night I made spaghetti and let her try it! She was covered in it so I'm assuming she liked it!
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Labor Day weekend in Valdosta
It's taken me forever to get this post up, but we spent last weekend in Valdosta with my family! We hadn't been down there since May so it was time to see everyone again! We had a great time just hanging out and catching up with everyone. Kinsey loved playing with Kayden and Brecken but she had hard time keeping up...that Brecken is fast! Kinsey is still perfecting the worm crawl : ) We had a great time seeing everyone and can't wait to go back again! Thanks again Pete and Nana for everything...we love you!
Kinsey checking out Jack...Pete's new puppy!
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Fun Weekend
Last Wednesday afternoon we packed up and headed to Chattanooga on a business trip with Ryan. Kinsey was so hyper when we got to the hotel, I thought she would never fall asleep but she finally did and slept good! Thursday while Ryan was in his meeting, Kinsey and I ate lunch with some good friends and then drove to Athens, where we used to live, to visit my old co-workers. Of course I didn't take a single picture but we had a great time and enjoyed catching up with everyone! Thursday night we got to eat dinner with Ryan and some of the folks he works with. Many of them had never met Kinsey so she got lots of attention and was definitely the life of the party!

Friday Ryan was finished around lunch time so we got to check out the TN aquarium before heading up to spending the weekend with Callie. As we were getting out of the truck at the aquarium, a guy came up and asked if we needed a ticket....someone had given him 3 but he only needed 2 so we only had to buy 1 ticket to get in! What a nice surprise! Below are just a few of my favorite pics of us checking out the fish.

We spent Friday and Saturday night at Callie's. Saturday we got to do a little shopping and just hang out. Kinsey enjoyed checking out Aunt Callie's place and seeing what she could get into!
Kinsey watching cartoons on the big bed!
Friday Ryan was finished around lunch time so we got to check out the TN aquarium before heading up to spending the weekend with Callie. As we were getting out of the truck at the aquarium, a guy came up and asked if we needed a ticket....someone had given him 3 but he only needed 2 so we only had to buy 1 ticket to get in! What a nice surprise! Below are just a few of my favorite pics of us checking out the fish.
Talking to the fish...
One HUGE catfish!
Reading with Aunt Callie
Sunday after worshipping in Athens we headed home but didn't make it without stopping by Bass Pro Shop. Kinsey found her a cowgirl hat she thought was pretty cool : )We had a great time on our little trip but it felt so good to sleep in our own beds Sunday night! Now we're trying to catch up on things to get ready for the long trek to Valdosta this coming weekend!
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