Yesterday Khloe turned 2 months old and I can hardly believe it! She is such a little doll and we are really enjoying this little blessing that God has given us! We couldn't have asked for a better baby.

Here are some of the things Khloe is doing at 2 months:
-Just in the past week, she's really started smiling at us and cooing. She gives the biggest, gummy cute!

-She nurses about every 3-4 hours during the day and will go anywhere from 5-7 hours at night!
-She sleeps really well at night and has even slept through the night several times but during the day it's hit or miss with naps. Some days she sleeps really well but most days she fights it and will fall asleep while being rocked or held but as soon as she's put down her little eyes pop open! oh well on the days she doesn't nap long and I don't get anything done I just remind myself that at least she sleeps good at night!
-She found her hands the other day and loves chewing on them!

-She loves her big sister and has started smiling at Kinsey when she talks to Khloe or when Kinsey is acting silly (which is quite often)! It is so cute to watch them interact.
-She loves being in her Moby wrap. I usually don't put her in it a lot but if I have some things I have to get done I'll wrap her on me and off we go. Usually she lasts all of 2 seconds before she is out like a light! She sleeps so good in that thing!

-Khloe is normally very mild mannered but when she gets mad-she gets mad and will definitely let you know!
-She has lots of long, dark hair but at the roots it is coming in lighter so I'm thinking she might be a blondie like her sister! we'll see...