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Friday, January 21, 2011

Christmas 2010- Just us

We came home from Paris Christmas Eve afternoon and enjoyed a nice quite evening just the 4 of us! Kinsey and Ryan baked cookies for Santa. (I think a certain little one ate more cookie dough than anything else but that's half the fun, right!?) We talked up Santa coming and that he would bring a few presents for everyone but I don't think Kinsey quite understood because I had to remind her when she woke up Christmas morning that we needed to check to see if he had come during the night! After opening gifts, we enjoyed some yummy cinnamon rolls before packing up and traveling to Valdosta! It was a long trip but the girls did great and it was so good to see everyone and they were all excited to meet Khloe...especially Pete!

I took the girl's pics in their matching dresses for our Christmas card. I thought they turned out pretty well for an unprofessional photographer, a 2 year old and a 2 week old!

Khloe's 1st Christmas Kinsey Mae

My sweet girls!

Making cookies for Santa...

and eating the dough!

Taste test! Yummy!

Santa brought Kinsey a basketball goal which Daddy is enjoying! : )

Kinsey was so excited to have some place to keep her money! She had a few dollars that Granny and Hobe had sent her in the mail she's been keeping in her bed side drawer. As soon as I told her it was a piggy bank to keep her money in she ran back to her room to gather her stash!

Showing off her princess slippers!

Playing with Khloe's present!

Before Christmas I asked Kinsey several time what she wanted Santa to bring her and every time she said she wanted "boots and hat." Meaning rain boots and hat. Now where she got the idea of wanting rain boots and a hat I have no idea but that's all she wanted from Santa! I was so excited to see her reaction when she saw them Christmas morning and well she didn't act very thrilled at all at first but I think they've grown on her!

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