I know I say this every month but seriously where has the time gone?! Our sweet Kinsey Mae is already 6 months old! I can hardly believe it! I guess I better start planning a birthday party because it's going to be here before we know it whether I like it or not!! I couldn't have asked for a better, more easy going baby than Kinsey. She's such a sweetheart and blessing to our lives; I can't remember what life was like before her!
There are so many things I want to remember about her at this fun age. Here are just a few:
- She loves to smile! She smiles all the time!
- She's a great eater; she loves her cereal and baby food. As soon as she sees her spoon and bowl her little hands and feet get to moving---she knows what's coming!
-She sleeps well too! Usually I put her down for the night by 8:00pm, she wakes up around 5:00am and eats and we see Daddy off the work by 6:00, then we go back to bed for a few hours. I still have to get up a few times a night to put her pacifier back in but that's it!
-She finally grew out of being swaddled! Now I lay her down and she doses off to her Ocean Wonders musical aquarium with her fingers intertwined in her purple blanket.

-Which brings me to my next thing: She loves playing with/feeling my hair especially when she's tired. She'll also run her fingers through her hair when she's nursing.
-She gives the best kisses--nice and wet ones one the cheek! I love them! : )
-Lately she's been sticking her tounge out and blowing bubbles! It's too cute!

-She'll shake her head "no"...of course she doesn't have a clue what it means but we laugh so she keeps doing it and thinks it's funny : )
I'm not sure how much she's grown except ALOT! We go back to the Dr. on Tuesday and I'm really curious to see how long she is! It's almost time to move up to the next carseat...she's just about outgrown the one she's in! It's just so hard to believe that she's getting so big so fast! We just love her to pieces and can't get enough of our sweet baby girl!