Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Kinsey is ready for Christmas!
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
2 Months!
Things I want to remember about our Kinsey at 2 months:
-She's such an easy going baby. She only fusses when she's hungry or tried.
-She greets me every morning with a sweet smile when she sees my face : ) It just melts my heart!
-She smiles and coos all the time now...especially when we talk to her!
-Her hair is getting lighter; I think she might be a blond headed baby like her daddy!
-She's still got pretty blue eyes but I think they will change...we'll see!
-Everyone says she looks like her daddy but one of Ryan's co-workers said that she's starting to look more like me : )
-She sleeps like her daddy too! When she's out, she's out! Right now she's sleeping from 10 pm to about 4:30 - 5 am. I feed her when she wakes and she goes right back to sleep until about 8 am.
-She loves to be swaddled when she sleeps! Sometime she'll wake up in the middle of the night if she gets her hands out of the swaddle and I'll have to re-swaddle her before she'll go back to sleep!
-She loves her Fisher Price musical fish aquarium on her crib. I'll turn it on when I put her down to sleep and she's out! When she's awake she'll watch it for hours!
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Busy, Busy, Busy

I hate that she was not sitting up better in this picture because I love the expression on her face : )
Sunday afternoon the youth group from church had their Christmas party and since Ryan teaches the teens on Wednesday nights we were invited to tag along. They always go bowling every year so we had a great time hanging out with friends! Ryan bowled and did pretty good; I decided to sit out because I didn't want to show anyone up...haha...no-really to take care of Kinsey and just be able to visit and not have to pay attention to when it was my turn! Here are some pictures of Kinsey's first bowling trip!
Ryan bowling a STRIKE!
Kinsey and her friend Emily were zonked out!
me and Ryan
Jesse and Sarah Glenn
Bright eyed!
Family pic
Brian and Christy
some of my favorite gals...
Donna, Christy, Sarah Glenn and me
Friday, December 12, 2008
Cutest Video
We caught this on video last night and it was just too cute not to post! Kinsey is cooing and smiling all of the time. It just melts my heart!
Hope you all have a great weekend!
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
What do you think??
me at 1 month
Ryan at 2 months
Monday, December 8, 2008
Uncle Aaron and Aunt Gena's visit
Gram got her this shirt...too cute!
Kinsey was a little upset about her bad hair day : )
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Dr. Cain Swope
Dr. Cain Swope, me, and Kinsey
(not sure what Kinsey's looking at)
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Thanksgiving, Grandpop's Birthday & more
Margaret with Kinsey
Mama Mac holding Kinsey
Mac loves to hold Kinsey until she starts to cry : )
Aunt Sandra holding Kinsey who's looking at the lights!
Friday was Grandpop's birthday and we actually got to spend the day with him which was nice! Hope you had a great day! We love you lots and appreciate all you do for us!
Grandpop & Kinsey
Gram feeding Kinsey
Kinsey is getting so big and so much more alert! I can't wait to go back to the doctor in a few weeks to find out how much she weighs now! We both have a cold so that hasn't been much fun. She's not been sleeping as well because she gets stopped up and can't breathe so she's been waking up several times during the night. I'm used to her just waking up once so it's been an adjustment for me! I'll be glad when she gets over this. I guess that's all for now. Have a great week!
Friday, November 21, 2008
Our Smiling Baby
Kinsey's new do! (Ryan and I were a little bored!)
Hope you all have a great weekend!
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Friday, November 14, 2008
Catching up...
5-6 hours which makes it easy on me. She's truly a blessing and we just couldn't imagine life without her now!
Brecken & Kinsey after church
Kinsey in her BIG girl overalls
Papa with his great-granddaughters
The Birthday Girl!
John getting Kinsey to sleep
me and Dad
Pete and Nana with Kinsey
Ryan caught us snoozing