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Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Movin' and a Shakin'

I felt the baby move for the first time about a week ago! It was such the neatest feeling and I've been telling Ryan but I didn't know if he would be able to feel it. So last night we were in bed watching TV & after I had found the heartbeat with our doppler I just laid my hands on my belly to see if I could feel anything and sure enough after a few seconds baby started doing a jig so I grabbed Ryan's hand so he could feel it too. Ryan's face just lit up and he asked, "Was that it?" I said, "Yeah, that's your wild child!" He was too excited!

Today baby has been busy as a bee in there. Just sitting here at my desk I can feel him/her moving all around....I love it! God is so good and I'm truly thankful that He's blessed us with this little miracle. Thank you all for your thoughts and prayers...they mean more than you'll ever know!


Adawk said...

So glad you felt the baby move, it is such a reassuring thing!

Athen Bradford said...

Its a boy... (( I have a pretty good track record of guessing these things!))

Athen Bradford said...

Tell Aaron "Congrats!"

Summer said...

Ahh, yeah! I am so happy for you guys!!