Kinsey turned 7 months old on Sunday so I thought it would be neat to look back on just how much she's grown over the past 7 months!
3 days old

1 month

2 months

3 months

4 months

5 months

6 months

7 months

As each month passes, usually faster than the one before, I'm reminded just how important it is to raise her up in God's ways because we've only got a few years to mold and shape her precious little mind and soul until she'll be out on her own! What a blessing she has been; I never knew I could love someone so much until I had Kinsey! I am so thankful that I get to stay home with her--we have so much fun together!
Here are just a few things I want to remember about her at 7 months!
* She is such a good eater! She loves her baby food and the little bit of table food we've given her. She's not a fan of sweet peas but loves everything else!
* She's still nursing--usually about 3 times a day and I'm still really enjoying it. She defintely does better when it's just the two of us and it's quiet. If someone else is in the room even if they are not talking every few seconds she wants to check and see what they are's too funny especially when she gets sprayed!
* She loves to ride in the jogging stroller. If she gets fussy around the block we go and she calms right down!
* She's sitting up all by herself!
* She's rolling over and scooting backwards! (It's definitely not going to be long before she figures out how to go forward!)
* She's starting to wave bye, bye!
* She's such an easy going baby most of the time but can definitely get an ATTITUDE when things don't go her way!
* Still no teeth but I think they are coming--she's been a little fussy the past few days!
* She likes to watch Sesame Street : )
* I love to see her little face light up when her Daddy comes home from work! She loves him so much!
* When she's fussy or tired she'll grab my hair and bury her face into sweet!
Gram and Grandpop found her a hat at Bass Pro Shop. Isn't she too cute! Gram came and stayed with us Monday and Tuesday. We enjoyed the visit and Kinsey had lots of fun playing with her! It was wonderful because I was able to get some running around done and make my Dr.'s appointment without taking Kinsey--so nice! Thanks again Gram!

I've still got to put up her 6 month pictures we had taken so stayed tuned maybe I'll get them up this afternoon!