Such a sweet little face!
Saturday, November 27, 2010
I snapped this today and thought it was just too cute! Kinsey sure is proud of her little sister!

Such a sweet little face!
Such a sweet little face!
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Khloe Lyn Blount has arrived
Introducing Miss Khloe Lyn Blount arriving today, November 25th, at 12:07 pm, weighing in at 9 pounds 9.75 ounces, measuring 21 inches long, looking just like her big sister but only with lots of dark hair.
Kristin and Khloe are both doing well. I am sure that Kristin will add more later, but for now below are a few pictures for you all to enjoy. Thank you all for your prayers, God has truly blessed our Thanksgiving.

Kristin and Khloe are both doing well. I am sure that Kristin will add more later, but for now below are a few pictures for you all to enjoy. Thank you all for your prayers, God has truly blessed our Thanksgiving.
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Baby Khloe News and Baby Bryson
This morning I had my 39 week checkup and I'm dilated to 3 cm's now and pretty much thinned out but Khloe is still hanging in there! Dr. Storck said she was really surprised to see me and hadn't expected me to make it another week but here we are and she is going out of town for the weekend so most likely she won't be delivering Khloe : ( Honestly, though, at this point I really don't care; I'm just ready! I have been having more contractions today so hopefully it won't be long...who knows!
In other baby news: my good friend from church, Christy, had her little boy Bryson on Monday and at 8 lbs 11 oz, he is such a doll! We went Monday to see them but didn't get to stay very long so since we were back in Nashville today for my dr. appointment we decided to go see him again. When we went on Monday, Kinsey was very quite and didn't know what to think about seeing Mrs. Christy in the hospital bed and she definitely didn't act very interested in baby Bryson! That's one thing that I've been a little worried about was how Kinsey was going to react to us being in the hospital so I'm glad she got to experience seeing Christy and Bryson before I had Khloe. Today Kinsey was so excited to go see baby Bryson again and she did so good with him! She just admired him and even wanted to hold him too! It brought tears to my eyes to see how gentle she was with him. I know she is going to be a wonderful big sister!
In other baby news: my good friend from church, Christy, had her little boy Bryson on Monday and at 8 lbs 11 oz, he is such a doll! We went Monday to see them but didn't get to stay very long so since we were back in Nashville today for my dr. appointment we decided to go see him again. When we went on Monday, Kinsey was very quite and didn't know what to think about seeing Mrs. Christy in the hospital bed and she definitely didn't act very interested in baby Bryson! That's one thing that I've been a little worried about was how Kinsey was going to react to us being in the hospital so I'm glad she got to experience seeing Christy and Bryson before I had Khloe. Today Kinsey was so excited to go see baby Bryson again and she did so good with him! She just admired him and even wanted to hold him too! It brought tears to my eyes to see how gentle she was with him. I know she is going to be a wonderful big sister!
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Random Pics...
These are just a few random pictures I've snapped over the past few weeks of our Kinsey. I knew if I didn't get them up before Khloe came then they probably wouldn't make the blog!
Last Sunday morning Ryan decided to make biscuits, sausage, and gravy! As soon as Kinsey realized he was making something she wanted to "help" out : ) I must say they make a great team and breakfast was delicious!

Grandpop, Gram, and Aunt Callie bought Kinsey a "big girl" chair and it came today. When she was little we had a vibrating chair that turned into a rocker that's been hers. Well I really wanted it for Khloe but knew we'd have to get her something else or otherwise she wouldn't give it up too willingly. I think you can tell by the expression on her face she loves her new chair! (And yes we sported our Big Sister shirt today under a sweatshirt because it was the only white short sleeve shirt she has and I thought a long sleeve one would be too hot! Hopefully in the next day or two she'll be able to wear it and show off her baby sister!)
Miss Priss

Where's Kinsey???
The other day she found the heart rate doppler and wanted to find "baby Khlode" so after listening to Khloe's heart beat for a few minutes I told her I need to get some things done but she could play with the doppler. When I came back in our room a little later this is what I found...

...she was finding "baby Kholde" too! About a week ago she lifted up her shirt, touched her belly, and informed me that "baby Khlode" was moving : )
She talks about baby sister all the time and is ready to "take her out of my belly!" I have a feeling though when we bring her home she realizes Khloe is here to stay she'll be ready to "put her back!" One afternoon Kinsey got really quite so I went looking for her....she was practicing buckling her stuffed bunny in the car seat! She is going to be such a good little helper!

Last Sunday morning Ryan decided to make biscuits, sausage, and gravy! As soon as Kinsey realized he was making something she wanted to "help" out : ) I must say they make a great team and breakfast was delicious!
Baking with Daddy is fun!
Grandpop, Gram, and Aunt Callie bought Kinsey a "big girl" chair and it came today. When she was little we had a vibrating chair that turned into a rocker that's been hers. Well I really wanted it for Khloe but knew we'd have to get her something else or otherwise she wouldn't give it up too willingly. I think you can tell by the expression on her face she loves her new chair! (And yes we sported our Big Sister shirt today under a sweatshirt because it was the only white short sleeve shirt she has and I thought a long sleeve one would be too hot! Hopefully in the next day or two she'll be able to wear it and show off her baby sister!)
Where's Kinsey???
This is what I found when I went to check on Kinsey after she had been sitting on the potty for a few minutes! What a funny little girl!
The other day she found the heart rate doppler and wanted to find "baby Khlode" so after listening to Khloe's heart beat for a few minutes I told her I need to get some things done but she could play with the doppler. When I came back in our room a little later this is what I found...
...she was finding "baby Kholde" too! About a week ago she lifted up her shirt, touched her belly, and informed me that "baby Khlode" was moving : )
She talks about baby sister all the time and is ready to "take her out of my belly!" I have a feeling though when we bring her home she realizes Khloe is here to stay she'll be ready to "put her back!" One afternoon Kinsey got really quite so I went looking for her....she was practicing buckling her stuffed bunny in the car seat! She is going to be such a good little helper!
In baby Khloe news...we're just waiting! I went to the Dr. on Tuesday and I was still just dilated between 2 & 3 cm's. I'm still having contractions but nothing close enough or strong enough to get things started so we wait! I'm definitely ready and would be happy for her to come any day now! I had predicted that she'd be born today but my time is running out unless she comes really fast! Ryan is predicting Monday and I certainly hope he's right....there's a full moon Sunday night so maybe that will get her moving! Mom is supposed to be here Saturday and gets to stay for the week so we're looking forward to having her here....maybe that's what Khloe is waiting on.... : ) Hope you all have a great weekend!
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Just Waiting...
My Dr. appointment went well today...I didn't make as much progress over the weekend as I had hoped but Khloe's little heartbeat is good & strong and I'm feeling well so I really can't complain! Dr. said I was a good 2 cm's and about 60% thinned out so we're getting there and in the mean time we'll just try to be patient waiting! I'm really ready to just meet her and be able to hold & kiss her and look into those sweet eyes! When Kinsey "talks" to Khloe she always says "Take her out" and tries to take her out of my cute! Well today she was talking to baby and put her little arms around my belly trying to "get Khloe out" and sighed while saying,
"She heavy!" Then she lifted up her shirt and said, "My belly little." So I asked her what my belly was? To which she replied, "Your belly BIG!" So funny that little girl!
Hope you all are having a great week! We'll keep you posted....
"She heavy!" Then she lifted up her shirt and said, "My belly little." So I asked her what my belly was? To which she replied, "Your belly BIG!" So funny that little girl!
Hope you all are having a great week! We'll keep you posted....
Monday, November 8, 2010
Exciting but Uneventful Weekend
Friday night about 8:30 I realized I was having some pretty regular contractions so I sat down and starting timing them while watching a little TV. They were about 8-10 minutes apart and lasted anywhere from 45 seconds to a minute so wondered if I might be in early labor but knew if I was then I better try to get some rest! The contractions weren't painful but they did feel like they were getting a little stronger. I went to bed around 10 but after lying in bed wide awake for over 2 hours, I decided to get up and time the contractions to see if they were getting closer. By the time I finally started getting tired at 2:00 am, they were about 4 minutes apart and still lasting about 45 seconds to a minute or so. When I went back to bed, Ryan woke up and asked how I was doing and I told him that I thought this might be "it"! We both were getting excited but I knew I really needed some sleep because we most likely had a long day ahead of us. So of course since I only had a few hours sleep Kinsey decided to get up at 5 am!! Needless to say I was a little sleep deprived but got up and the contractions were still coming. I called mom and dad and told them they might want to started getting packed and be on "stand-by." I went for a walk and the contractions got stronger and were still regular so I thought surely I wouldn't have regular contractions for over 12 hours and this not be the real thing! I called mom and dad back about 10 am and told them to head this way we were pretty sure Khloe was on the way! Ryan called his family and they started getting their things together too! We were all getting excited! Ryan and I went for a few more laps around the neighborhood Saturday afternoon and that really got the contractions going and they were getting uncomfortable so we were just waiting for my water to break or for the contractions to get strong enough that I couldn't talk through them. Well Saturday night rolled around and neither had this point I was so exhausted-mentally, emotionally and physically! By this time, I had been having contractions for about 24 hours and really thought it couldn't be false labor, could it?!?. I went to bed about 7:30 and was really expecting something to happen Saturday night or Sunday morning. With Kinsey my contractions didn't really start getting uncomfortable until after my water broke so I just kept praying if it was time for Khloe to come my water would break and so things would really start progressing. I started feeling bad for telling mom and dad to head this way when it was looking like she wasn't going to come! Nothing like making an 8 hour drive (1 way) expecting to meet your new grand-daughter and then her not come! I was able to get some rest Saturday night and when I got up Sunday morning I was still having contractions but they weren't quite as regular as they had been and by yesterday afternoon they had pretty much died down and were very sporadic! To say I was a little disappointed would be an understatement! It was good to see mom and dad though and to spend the day with them! Kinsey was so excited to see them and after they left this morning she kept asking, "Pete and Nana go?" I just kept telling her that they had to go back to GA but would be back when Khloe really decided to come!
I feel good today and am still having a few contractions here and there but I guess she's decided to stay put for a while longer. I go back to the Dr. on Wednesday morning so I am very interested to see if all the contractions I had this weekend made any progress....I sure hope so!
Thanks to everyone who called and text to check on us! Sorry for the false alarm! If you don't mind, keep those thoughts and prayers coming. We really appreciate them all! Hopefully I'll have some exciting news on Wednesday...I'll keep you updated!
I feel good today and am still having a few contractions here and there but I guess she's decided to stay put for a while longer. I go back to the Dr. on Wednesday morning so I am very interested to see if all the contractions I had this weekend made any progress....I sure hope so!
Thanks to everyone who called and text to check on us! Sorry for the false alarm! If you don't mind, keep those thoughts and prayers coming. We really appreciate them all! Hopefully I'll have some exciting news on Wednesday...I'll keep you updated!
Friday, November 5, 2010
36 Week Check up
Yesterday I had my 36 week checkup and it went very well! I am 1 whole cm dilated (woo hoo!) but my cervix hasn't started thinning out yet so I guess little Khloe isn't quite as ready as mommy is!! I know she'll come when she's ready and I just hope and pray that she is happy and healthy because that's the most important thing!
I was so excited to get my Christmas shopping under way yesterday and hope to finish the rest of it today! I love knowing that it will be done and I won't have to worry about it after Khloe comes! Now to get Kinsey's gifts wrapped before she comes home this afternoon!
Last weekend Kinsey and I had some pictures taken and they turned out AMAZING! Here's a sneak peek and the link if you want to check them out!

I was so excited to get my Christmas shopping under way yesterday and hope to finish the rest of it today! I love knowing that it will be done and I won't have to worry about it after Khloe comes! Now to get Kinsey's gifts wrapped before she comes home this afternoon!
Last weekend Kinsey and I had some pictures taken and they turned out AMAZING! Here's a sneak peek and the link if you want to check them out!

Wednesday, November 3, 2010
So Blessed!
Last night several sweet friends gave Christy and me a shower for baby Bryson and baby Khloe! Christy and I found out the same weekend we were expecting so it's been neat to be able to share our pregnancy with a lady that is so special to me! I was so completely overwhelmed by all the ladies that showed up for the shower and for all of the gifts we received! Khloe will definitely not be needing anything!
me and Christy

Opening gifts...

Mama Mac made Khloe a beautiful blanket...such a special gift from a great-grandmother!

me and Christy
Completely overwhelmed by all the gifts to open!
Opening gifts...
Mama Mac made Khloe a beautiful blanket...such a special gift from a great-grandmother!
I know Khloe will love this cute bear that plays lullabies that Aunt Callie gave her! (I guess I kept putting the tissue paper between my knees....not really the best accessory for my outfit!)

Kinsey had a blast opening all of the gifts...including Bryson's! Aunt Callie bought her the cute little shoes she has on and she loved them!

Christy opening her gifts...
Christy opening her gifts...
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Getting Ready!
We've had lots going on but I am slowly getting ready for the arrival of our sweet baby girl! I've made so many list "to do/ need to get" lists that it's not even funny but somehow every time I cross something off the list a new thing gets added! Tonight some ladies at church are giving me and another gal whose also due at the end of November at diaper shower so I'm looking forward to spending time with friends. Patsy and Callie are coming to join in on the fun too so it should be a great night!
Kinsey "big girl" room is just about ready...I have a few more things to hang on the wall and that should be it! I made the letters for her name and was really pleased at how they turned out!

We are so excited that our "baby girl" officially has a name! We tossed around a few different names and Ryan really tried to like Karsyn (my favorite name) for me but said that it just sounded too masculine for a girl so we agreed on Khloe and I couldn't be happier! It is actually a family name on Ryan's side. We're still undecided about her middle name so if you have any suggestions feel free to send them our way. Ryan likes Khloe Lynn, I like Khloe Elizabeth, and Khloe Marie is in the running too! Marie is Patsy and Callie's middle name and I like the way it sounds but Kinsey and Khloe would both have the same initials and we're not sure we want them to sooo right now she's baby Khloe or "Khlode" as Kinsey sometimes calls her : )
We kept the nursery pretty much the same but I did get Khloe's name on the wall last week and it looks so good! Now we're just waiting to meet her!

I have my 36 week checkup on Thursday and I'm very curious to find out if I've starting dilating at all....I've been having lots of contractions and they are getting stronger but nothing too regular so it will be interesting to see if I am. I'm not going to lie, I will be a little disappointed if I'm not but I know she will come when she's ready...just hopefully sooner than later : ) Kinsey is going back to Paris tomorrow with Gram so I'll have a few days to get the rest of my "to do" list accomplished and my goal is to take care of all my Christmas shopping too so we'll see how it goes!
Kinsey "big girl" room is just about ready...I have a few more things to hang on the wall and that should be it! I made the letters for her name and was really pleased at how they turned out!
We are so excited that our "baby girl" officially has a name! We tossed around a few different names and Ryan really tried to like Karsyn (my favorite name) for me but said that it just sounded too masculine for a girl so we agreed on Khloe and I couldn't be happier! It is actually a family name on Ryan's side. We're still undecided about her middle name so if you have any suggestions feel free to send them our way. Ryan likes Khloe Lynn, I like Khloe Elizabeth, and Khloe Marie is in the running too! Marie is Patsy and Callie's middle name and I like the way it sounds but Kinsey and Khloe would both have the same initials and we're not sure we want them to sooo right now she's baby Khloe or "Khlode" as Kinsey sometimes calls her : )
We kept the nursery pretty much the same but I did get Khloe's name on the wall last week and it looks so good! Now we're just waiting to meet her!
I have my 36 week checkup on Thursday and I'm very curious to find out if I've starting dilating at all....I've been having lots of contractions and they are getting stronger but nothing too regular so it will be interesting to see if I am. I'm not going to lie, I will be a little disappointed if I'm not but I know she will come when she's ready...just hopefully sooner than later : ) Kinsey is going back to Paris tomorrow with Gram so I'll have a few days to get the rest of my "to do" list accomplished and my goal is to take care of all my Christmas shopping too so we'll see how it goes!
Thanks for checking in on us!
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